World Vision Back-to-School online materials

SkinCell Digital Content

Inter-ED 2018 website


AUB EDMs 2018

Unilab HR Online UI Design

MBFP Infographics for World Vision

Dia del Libro 2018 concept

Instituto Cervantes de Manila Booklet

LuLi Wedding Design

DLSU college logos

DLSU College of Law Viewbook

Snowden movie poster (PH)

Plan Philippines IEC materials

Cafeteria Wall Art for SuySing

World Vision PH Gift Catalogue 2015

Rush premiere ticket design

DLSU 2011 Undergraduate Viewbook

DLSU Centennial Ad

DLSU-JanSport Centennial Backpack

JRU Guide book

DLSU Graduation Ceremony booklet cover

Roll Up Design

Inter-Ed Ad for the Benildean

Inspire Program Logos

Star Scholars Invitation Designs

D Magazine (2011)